mardi 22 janvier 2008

Social intelligence ?!

In past, no body liked him really; he has a special nature that no body could adjust himself with it: he was arrogant, mocker, regionalist, his paroles always meant something else than their express meaning and usually something dirty!

The surprise, that in his work place he succeed in a very short time to be the loved one, the person that all people like his jokes, thoughts, opinions, the "joker" in the all the teams, he looked as the most active, motivated, as bearing the responsibility to make his company the best,..
In summary, he succeeded to draw a very good apparent picture of his self to his colleagues and of course his bosses!

You may say good for him, he may be a hard working man and thanks to that he was considered as such!

The truth is that he works the minimum but shows off the maximum, does not hesitate to send a finished work in which he participated just a little and which unfortunately ended up on his hand, to his boss as he did it all!, jump directly on any occasion to make an outside mission to show how he is determined to make any thing to get a result although that such missions are sometimes unnecessary and lead to no where!

With his colleagues, he smokes with the smoking persons …contests about smoking harms and pretends to be allergic to tobacco with the non smoking ones! Talk about drinks, sex with the liberal ones in a defending tone...about religion and ethics with the same defending tone with the conservative, laughs loudly and make sweet comments when he is with some of them … say harsh comments about the same persons with other, talks classy with some ... vulgar with other…

In one month he became, the most accepted and more paid at work than who worked their for years!!, is it a social intelligence, is he an example to be followed?!

6 commentaires:

  1. Yo there, what's with the intro on your profile? 'a beautiful, strong girl but ..a kind girl with a great heart and angelic behaviour'

    Chakkar la3roussa?

    anyhow, nice blog, i like it and i'll come back to mess around from time to time....

    @Snawsi, experience eh ? :-))) shut the sucker down ...

  2. @snawsi u re right but it seems that such kinda of person manage always to "succeed"!

    @napo: fi zmen hédhé "3acha man
    3arafa kadrou" donc hawka nochkor fi rou7i khater na3ref kadri;)

    U re welcome any time to visit my blog, thx for ur sweet words:D

  3. ah wi ma belle, de ma vie, G beau voir du monde, mais plus opportuniste, plus meskin que celui dont tu parle je n'ai jamais vu.

    Au moins enti faraght 9albek.
    J'espère, j'espère qu'un jour tout l'monde finira par découvrir son niveau réel, bon, il y a celles ki ne seront pas affectées puisqu'elles ne sont pas meilleures, et il y a ceux...

    Juste j'espère et j'attends

    (enti choft el ka3ba lekher ak ses discours??)

  4. @nappo: Elle est vraiment comme çà et plus encore; c notre sweety.

  5. @joy

    -heureusement il ya les blogs bech we7ed yfaragh kalbou.. sinon rahou el we7ed rekbou el maredh min domar el 3bed!

    -El ka3ba lekher lézemou blog kemel bech we7ed ye7ki 3lih w 3la sa philosophie bizarre dans la vie;)

    -thx for ur sweet words!, and from my side i say thank God there are still good persons at work ...otherwise it will be a real hell;)

    Welcome on my blog:D
