lundi 22 octobre 2007

Tnassniss awled!! (guys curiosity!!)

In the last months i have been in touch with a friend who was my neighbour for some years in Tunis but has moved to another place.

Actually we were in touch by phone especially in the main events (passing of an exam, celebrations, death of a common known person,…).

I noticed in each conversation he tried to get a maximum of my news the professional ones but also the personal ones and his favourite questions were: ech nowa “tounssiya w illé…”, mrawa7a ill week-end hedheya w illé lé, waktech mraw7a, waktech jeya el Touness,…, and my answers were always the same: the whole week I’m in Tunis working (so so busy!), and in the weekend in my lovely town (so no possibility to scarify my week-end for any reason!)

And in each end of conversation he announces: nchala nchoufek 3la krib, taw netkablou, ki nkablek e7kili 3la kdhé,…, and me I was just : ok nchala, rabi yssahel…

Dears… I think u re saying why u re rejecting the guy! It is obvious that he is trying to be close and to be more than a friend and ex-neighbour!

But no…. after testing, it was just a ...TNASSNIS AWLED!!!... a thing that i didn't know that they have in common with the girls!

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