jeudi 14 juin 2007

7attena n7eb ndez FAZA!!

Since some have devoted a day for sthg, and since to blogg =to "dez faza!" i decided to do mine!

I decided to make the first of July a day for posting about friendship!
Why this date..cos i was born in July! and since in all my life (untill the day of writting this article) i'has been a true friend for all who i knew, i was the Friend that only lucky people get cos as i know and u know there re no more true friends!!

So for all my life i was and i still (inspite of all what i faced with ungrateful people!!) A FRIENDSHIP SYMBOL ( beside being of course sex symbol;) )!!

So let's go......write for friendship on 1st of July with any lungage!!!

2 commentaires:

  1. A FRIENDSHIP SYMBOL est toujours possible!

    le pouvoir d'une femme est illimité!

    keep going!!

  2. @elgreco: il parait que tu croit trop à la femme;)
