jeudi 28 juin 2007


Un génie apparaît dans une tribu africaine pour exaucer un voeux à tous les habitants du village. Il les fait mettre en rang et leur demande un par un quel voeu ils voudraient. Le premier : je voudrais être blanc. Le génie le transforme en blanc. Le deuxième : je voudrais être blanc. Le génie le transforme en blanc. Un gars dans le milieu de la queue va se placer à la fin et en faisant un grand sourire. Le 3ème : Le premier : je voudrais être blanc. Le génie le transforme en blanc. Le génie le transforme en blanc... Les 10 suivants : Le premier : je voudrais être blanc Le gars du fond commence à bien rire Le 25 ème passe : je voudrais être blanc... Le gars du fond s'explose de rire. Le 40 ème , le 50 ème ... : je voudrais être blanc... Le gars au fond se roule par terre en se prenant le ventre dans les bras. Le 60ème, 70 ème 80 ème : je voudrais être blanc... Au fond il n'en peux plus, il en pleure en a mal partout. Le 90 ème , 95 ème... jusqu'au 99ème : je voudrais être blanc... Quand arrive le tour du dernier il lui faut 15 minutes pour demander son voeux et dans un accès de fou rire il demande : Je voudrais qu'ils redeviennent tous noirs.


Un jour le Père Noël va en Somalie. Sur place, le Père Noël demande aux parents :
- Pourquoi ces enfants sont-ils aussi maigres ?
- Parce que ils ne mangent pas ! Le Père Noël répond :
- Ils ne mangent pas ! Dans ce cas, pas de cadeau...

Pourquoi compliquer les choses!

- C'est un homme d'affaire qui est en vacances en afrique. il voit un pêcheur qui revient avec un admire sa prise et lui dit:
-C'est le bonheur. tu retournes en chercher? je vais avec toi. il faut que tu m'expliques comment tu pêches.
-retourner en chercher!... mais pour quoi faire?
-mais parce que tu en auras plus
-mais pour quoi faire?
-mais, parce que, quand tu en auras plus, tu en revendras.
-mais pour quoi faire?
-parce que, quand tu l'auras vendu , tu auras de l'argent.
-mais pour quoi faire?
-comme ça tu pourras t'acheter un petit bateau.
-mais pour quoi faire?
-ben, avec ton petit bateau tu auras plus de poissons
-mais pour quoi faire?
-eh bien, tu pourras prendre des ouvriers -mais pour quoi faire?
-ben, ils travailleront avec toi
-mais pour quoi faire? -comme ça tu deviendras riche -mais pour quoi faire?
-comme ça tu pourras te reposer
-mais.....c'est ce que je vais faire tout de suite.....

mardi 26 juin 2007


Q: when men are asked why they have not yet got married, they answer always that they have not found a good girl!.

But the BIG QUESTION is: Why when a man find a GOOD GIRL (mizyéna, bint 3ayla, moutroubiya, mittawra but mo7afdha, mé3andhech fssed( thani), ta7founa, charmante, labbessa, dhkiya,…) and she is interested on him, he makes BAD DECISIONS: leave her for another girl méjet chay!, leave her for no reason, hesitate a lot about his future with her at the point that she decides to leave him?

A: Wating your answer men!

jeudi 21 juin 2007

The real enemy of the woman is not the man it is....

The enemy of the woman is….. the women!!

One day, during a conference in USA about the sex discrimination at work, the debate was so rich some women told about how they were discriminated by men (colleagues, bosses) how they were asked sometimes to do things which are not at their academic level only because they are women!

The debate was in one direction woman against men, when I raised my hand to tell loudly my opinion: I don’t really think that, at work, the real enemy of the woman is men….but I think is…women!!

At that time, my opinion was based only on what I heard from friends, members of family… because I was just a student with non working experience, but now I’m grounding it on my personal experience!!

In my first job, which I get it thanks to my studies, to my little but very important experience in USA, to my ability to talk and write 3 languages,.., to sum up to my good CV plus my very good behaviour (I’m not making any advertising or marketing to my self but I’m doing it at purpose… please carry on reading and you will know;) ), Almost all the staff was men , I had 4 bosses 3 of them men and one a woman, and several colleagues most of them young.

During all the period where I were working there, I faced no problem with the men either colleagues or bosses. I may say that I was spoiled by them; when I ask for something in what concerns the work I get what I want and more! They offered me all their help and tried to make things easy for me. I have even my 3 musketeers” (3 young colleagues whow assisted me in all my tasks, ask about me when I was absent or sick,come by my office just to check on me, etc)…

So I was in work paradise ….no almost!! Because the WOMAN boss which was a woman of power tried her best to make my work life a hell!!! She did efforts to let me feel like I was just a young girl, just a non competent one, a girl making much mistakes at work,… she did what she could to minimise my skills!! And her special job was to make me non confident about my self!

Plus, her insistent effort to look as young as me (she was at her fifty’s!!) she even wore
a colour that she never liked to wear it (red) because in that period I liked to wear it!!

So one of the reasons that I left that job was HER!

Now I get another job, I said to my self that finely I will have a break!

But... althought that I get a good and kind boss, I’m facing the same problems with a WOMAN, she is just a colleague but from the first day she tried to make me feel not welcomed in this new job! And her first question to me was” How old are you? She was like saying:” Ken temchi tal3ab kodem darkom khir!!!”

In the second day at this new work, the idea that I got is to leave the job!! But after thinking deeply I decided to stay because in any job I would work with WOMEN, so if I leave the job because of their aggressive and discriminatory behaviour against me I will never work!

So I have to learn how to deal with the Enemy, any help please: any strategy, advices?

jeudi 14 juin 2007

7attena n7eb ndez FAZA!!

Since some have devoted a day for sthg, and since to blogg =to "dez faza!" i decided to do mine!

I decided to make the first of July a day for posting about friendship!
Why this date..cos i was born in July! and since in all my life (untill the day of writting this article) i'has been a true friend for all who i knew, i was the Friend that only lucky people get cos as i know and u know there re no more true friends!!

So for all my life i was and i still (inspite of all what i faced with ungrateful people!!) A FRIENDSHIP SYMBOL ( beside being of course sex symbol;) )!!

So let's go......write for friendship on 1st of July with any lungage!!!