mardi 10 novembre 2009


it is hard to choose ur road, it is harder to change ur road u don't know whether u re doing the right thg or ur precipitating thgs, is it the right time to make changes, re these just fears or wise thoughts?

In all cases it remains exciting to make new moves, to jump in ur fears just to see what will happens

lundi 2 novembre 2009

my usual "but" !

He is black haired, tall, well dressed young man,
He is clever, active, daring, manly and he loves me :) .."but"

since i accepted to give him a chance i have not stopped being surprised : he calls me many times in the day, he wakes me up at the morning ( by calling me of course ;) :)) even when he is not obliged to wake up early , he doesn't sleep before saying good night and even if he makes this "mistake" he wakes up and run to call me to apology, every morning i start my day by a message on my FB with a song and a dedication from him;

He surprised me by his little stories- with me- before confessing ("déclarer sa flamme") : how he was watching me for months, how he tried to cross my way just to say hi and how i answered him with my friendly smile without knowing how he was feeling about me, how he took 3 days to confess to me.

He surprised me by passing me his mom on the phone to have a little chat with her;

He surprised me by kissing my hand ! and by confessing a week later that he never did it before with a girl cos he kisses only his mom's hand!

its seems like the love story which i was always looking for .."but"

it is my "usual but" !!: but... is he the right guy, but.. should i wait for a better, but should i give the chance to the two others, but.... am'I ready for a serious relationship, but... is he really loving me, we belong together, but will he keep going like this or will he stop surprising me when i fall in love with him, but will he hurt me, will i hurt him ,...

when love knocks your door.....

when love knocks ur door and u don't know whether should u open it, keep it closed, open it a little bit just to see if it is a real love, it is a problem!!..but when three young men offer u their love at the same time and u don't know what to answer or how that is a Big problem!!